<oui-panelset>: The Panelset element

The <oui-panelset> HTML element represents a generic division of a document, which is composed of flat sections of content. Panelsets can be assigned affordances to present sections of content with distinct controls to consume them.

	<p>… Mail content …</p>
	<p>… Mail content …</p>

	<p>… News content …</p>
	<p>… News content …</p>
	<p>… News content …</p>


Register the oui-panelset element with the following script.

<script src="https://tabvengers.github.io/spicy-sections/register.js"></script>

How it works

Any heading element child of the panelset represents the beginning of a panel. All content proceeding the heading element that is not another heading element represents the content of the given panel.


The OUIPanelsetElement interface gives access to properties specific to <oui-panelset> elements. It inherits methods and properties from the base HTMLElement interface.

EventTarget Node Element HTMLElement OUIPanelsetElement


The OUIPanelsetElement interface inherits attributes from its parent, HTMLElement.


A string containing the default affordance of the panelset. When set, this attribute does not update the current affordance of the panelset.

<oui-panelset affordance="exclusive-disclosure">
	<!-- flat sections of content -->


The OUIPanelsetElement interface inherits properties from its parent, HTMLElement.


A string containing the current affordance of the panelset. When set, this property updates the current affordance of the panelset. This does not reflect the affordance attribute.

const panelset = document.querySelector('oui-panelset')

panelset.affordance = 'exclusive-disclosure'



An array of objects representing the sections of content as panels in the panelset.

Each panel object has a label property which returns the element identified as the label of the given panel, a contents property which returns the elements and text nodes identified as the contents of the given panel, and an open property which returns whether the given panel is open.

const panelset = document.querySelector('oui-panelset')
const panels = panelset.getPanels()

for (const panel of panels) {
	console.log(panel) /* {
		open: boolean
		label: HTMLHeadingElement,
		content: (Element | Text)[]
	} */

CSS Properties


A string containing the active affordance of the panelset. When set, this property updates the current affordance of the panelset. This does not reflect the affordance attribute.

/* use with a disclosure interface on narrow width screens */
@media (max-width: 40em) {
	oui-panelset {
		--affordance: disclosure;

/* use a tabset interface on wide width screens */
@media (min-width: 60em) {
	oui-panelset {
		--affordance: tabset;


In addition to the usual events supported by HTML elements, the <oui-panelset> element supports toggle and affordancechange events.


The toggle event is dispatched to the <oui-panelset> element whenever one of its panel states changes between open and closed. This event is dispatched after the state is changed.


The affordancechange event is dispatched to the <oui-panelset> element whenever its affordance state changes. This event is dispatched after the affordance state is changed, and it is not dispatched by the initial affordance state.

const panelset = document.querySelector('oui-panelset')

panelset.addEventListener('toggle', () => {
	const panels = panelset.getPanels()

panelset.addEventListener('affordancechange', () => {
	switch (panelset.affordance) {
		case 'content':
		case 'disclosure':
		case 'exclusive-disclosure':
		case 'tabset':


Type Description
disclosure Sequential sections of content that display independently.
exclusive-disclosure Sequential sections of content that display one at a time.
tabset Layered sections of content that display one at a time.
content Sequential sections of content display as they are authored.


The generated shadow tree inside a Panelset element can be styled using ::part pseudo-elements.

		affordance parts

Content Affordance Parts

::part(section is-content)
	::part(label is-content)
	::part(content is-content)

Disclosure Affordance Parts

::part(section is-disclosure)
	::part(label is-disclosure)
	::part(content is-disclosure)

Tabset Affordance Parts

::part(label-container is-tabset)
	::part(label is-tabset)
::part(content-container is-tabset)
	::part(content is-tabset)

Any shadow tree part can be styled by a particular affordance by adding it to the part selector.

oui-panelset::part(container is-tabset) {
	/* panelset container styles during the tabset affordance */
Part Description
container The container of all content in the panelset.
label-container The container of all labels, available in the tabset affordance.
marker The marker before each label, available in the disclosure and exclusive-disclosure affordances.
label The container of each label.
panel-container The container of all panels, available in the tabset affordance.
label The container of each panel.